Κυριακή 19 Δεκεμβρίου 2021

Classical Greek: A Fondamental Language!


“Classical Greek: When the Past blends with the Future” is a very important conference about Greek Classic Studies that will be realized virtually  on 20 December, 17:00EE.


The symposium is taking place in celebration of a series of successful initiatives, spearheaded by PeopleCert throughout 2021, which ignited renewed excitement around Classical Greek. Starting back in May 2021, PeopleCert presented the launch of the Global First Certification of Classical Greek and all exams were offered free of charge throughout 2021, in recognition of the Bicentennial of the Greek Revolution. Following this launch, the Certification of Classical Greek portfolio has been further enriched with a new certification level.


The symposium will focus on the universal, timeless nature of Classical Greek and the challenges and opportunities involved in teaching it internationally.


Five world-leading Classical Greek professors will come together online, to present their experiences in teaching Classical Greek and will explore with attendees’ opinions around the applications of Classical Greek in everyday life.


We asked Prof. Gerardo Guzmàn, who teaches Ancient Greek at the Accademia Vivarium Novum a few key questions:


1.According to the symposium's title, The Past Blends with the Future. Is this really feasible? Could literacy of Classical Greece truly blend with an uncertain future?


“By seeing that the future is always uncertain and unpredictable, we find ourselves in the need of getting acquainted with our past in order to learn from the vicissitudes, experiences, and ideas of those who came before us that can help us understand the present while also being able to look forward to things to come. Classical literature, therefore, is an opened door through which we can have access to these treasures full of wisdom and examples. Yet, the key that opens that door is the active and direct reading of the classics in the original language. Anyone that goes as far as suggesting that this collection of knowledge should be better off forgotten or “cancelled” incurs in the danger of forgetting not only the mistakes previously made by others but also solutions already found to some of our current problems and difficulties. As Isocrates says, “When you are about to make a decision, take a look to the past, lay hold of examples, for uncertain things can be clarified by situations already made clear”.


2.How would you visualize a world in which Classical Greek were abolished?


“If we were to take the decision of abolishing the study of Ancient Greek, we would condemn all future generations to obey preestablished opinions. It is through language that we have the means to talk face to face with an author through an exchange of views, as well as way of comparing our modern ideas with the thoughts of writers from classical times. Without this capacity, it is impossible to go freely on the quest for truth, for we must only passively receive and repeat doctrines handed down by others through the narrow frame which is translation.”


3. How do you envision the future of Classical Studies Internationally?


“If “specialists” were the only to take care of these studies, we would be creating the notion that Classical Studies only pertain to a small, reduced and elite group despite that it is in fact a discipline that concerns the whole human race. By being able to renovate the pedagocgical methodologies, we shall be able to enrich the generations to come with the treasures that this language has to offer. Thus, in the spirit of every young person, the desire of studying the Classics which subsequently paves the way to many other fields of human knowledge, will be sowed.

The Keynote speakers will be :

·         Prof. Georgia Xanthaki-Karamanou, Professor Emerita of Ancient Greek Literature at the Faculties of Philology, Universities of Athens and of the Peloponnese

·         Prof. Luigi Miraglia, Founder and President of the Accademia Vivarium Novum

·         Prof. Christophe Rico, Faculty Member of the Université de Strasbourg, Ancient Greek Professor at École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem (EBAF), and Dean at the Polis Institute

·         Prof. Mauro Agosto, Professor of Classical Philology at the Pontificia Università Lateranense

·         Prof. Gerardo Guzmàn, Professor of Ancient Greek at the Accademia Vivarium Novum

Following the keynote speeches, a Committee of Experts in the ways and methods of learning Classical Greek will discuss universal views and their day-to-day own experiences with their Classical Greek students. These experts are:


§  Prof Christoforos Charalampakis, Professor of Linguistics at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Philosophy, Faculty of Philology

§  Prof. Jacques Bouchard, Professor of Modern Greek Literature & Director of the Center for Neohellenic Studies at the University of Montreal Canada

§  Prof. Juan Coderch, Senior Language Tutor in Ancient Greek & Latin, Univesity of St Andrews, Scotland

§  Prof. Andrew Morehouse, Ancient Greek and Latin Language Tutor Boston MA,

§  Prof. Jenny Teichmann | Ancient Greek and Latin Language Tutor, Berlin Germany The discussion will be moderated by journalist Irene Nikolopoulou.

To extend their warm welcome, we will be honoured to have with us:

§  Mr Byron Nicolaides, Founder and CEO of PeopleCert

§  Mr. Angelos Syrigos, Deputy Minister of Education

§  Mr. Ioannis Chrysoulakis, Secretary General for Greeks Abroad and Public Diplomacy


To join the event, you may click on the link below:


To those of you who decide to honour us with your presence, we are happy to offer a free online voucher

for our LanguageCert Classical Greek A1 certification




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